ARTE: Automated Generation of Realistic Test Inputs for Web APIs


Automated test case generation for web APIs is a thriving research topic, where test cases are frequently derived from the API specification. However, this process is only partially automated since testers are usually obliged to manually set meaningful valid test inputs for each input parameter. In this article, we present ARTE, an approach for the automated extraction of realistic test data for web APIs from knowledge bases like DBpedia. Specifically, ARTE leverages the specification of the API parameters to automatically search for realistic test inputs using natural language processing, search-based, and knowledge extraction techniques. ARTE has been integrated into RESTest, an open-source testing framework for RESTful APIs, fully automating the test case generation process. Evaluation results on 140 operations from 48 real-world web APIs show that ARTE can efficiently generate realistic test inputs for 64.9% of the target parameters, outperforming the state-of-the-art approach SAIGEN (31.8%). More importantly, ARTE supported the generation of over twice as many valid API calls (57.3%) as random generation (20%) and SAIGEN (26%), leading to a higher failure detection capability and uncovering several real-world bugs. These results show the potential of ARTE for enhancing existing web API testing tools, achieving an unprecedented level of automation.

In IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering